Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Unconventional Wisdom

As Good As It Gets?!

In recent weeks, Israeli security forces have:
  • Intercepted 6 bombs, most of them on the bodies of human mules (aka "suicide bombers" but, in fact, zombie-like religiously-fanaticized mass murderers) since the start of December. Total actual casualties: nil. Total intended casualties: hundreds, assuming it's Israeli civilian victims we're counting.
  • Intercepted no fewer than 19 bombs in the two months since Israel's abandonment of the Jewish villages in Gaza. Not one of those bombs was smaller than 40 kilograms (88 lbs). Most of us have no idea what that means. To put it in perspective, each and every one of them can easily demolish a hospital emergency ward, a fair-sized kindergarten or a rail carriage filled with passengers. The word 'demolish' should be understood to include the concepts of murdering and maiming.
  • Watched as terrorists in the pay of various Palestinian Authority subsidiaries or connected with Hamas and Islamic Jihad have launched some 130 rockets and mortar shells in the direction of Israeli towns. The targets: civilian Jews living in Israel's western Negev region. Total number of contentious "occupied settlements" in the vicinity: nil.
  • Intercepted and stopped invading gangs of armed Palestinian Arab terrorists on eight separate occasions in the area of Israel's border with the areas occupied by the Palestinian Authority.
What was that you said about ceasefires and renewed quiet?


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